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ADY delegation participated in “TransRussia-2023” exhibition

The “TransRussia-2023” international transport, logistics, and transport technology exhibition, held in Moscow from April 17th to 19th, has concluded successfully. 245 companies from 18 countries specializing in transportation participated in the exhibition. Companies specializing in cargo transportation, international corporations, expeditors, and logistics centers presented their services to business customers at the exhibition pavilion.

 The exhibition highlighted the new realities emerging in the transportation sector of the Eurasian region, as well as the vast opportunities offered by the “East-West” and “North-South” international transport corridors. Azerbaijan, through these corridors, is increasingly playing a more attractive role for business partners with its modern transport junctions and infrastructure.

 “Azerbaijan Railways” CJSC, and its subsidiary companies “ADY Express” LLC and “ADY Container” LLC, jointly represented Azerbaijan’s logistics capabilities in the railway sector at the exhibition. During the B2B (business-to-business) meetings, the transportation of transit cargo and the increase of cargo volumes through Azerbaijan’s railways, as well as the attraction of new cargo, were extensively discussed.